Our Duty of Care

Safeguarding means protecting individuals from harm, including physical, emotional, sexual, financial harm, and neglect. Safeguarding responsibilities apply to children, young people, and vulnerable adults, ensuring their safety and well-being in all circumstances.

As part of our duty of care, we share the following links to key organisations that offer support and advice for those who may be vulnerable, at risk of harm or simply in need of further support and/or advice:

Galop – 0800 9995428 – LGBTQ+ national domestic violence helpline

Shelter Cymru – provides information, advice and support to help people identify the best options to prevent homelessness, to find and keep a home and to help them take control of their own lives.

Stonewall Cymru – 08000 50 20 20 – provides advice and support on a range of issues to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender victims and survivors of domestic abuse in Wales.

LGBTQ+ Cymru – 0800 917 9996 – Helpline providing general counselling and support.

LGBT Foundation – 0345 3 30 30 30 – Advice, support and information for people identifying as LGBTQ+.

Terrence Higgins Trust – 0808 802 1221 – Provides support for LGBT+ people worried about their sexual health, including via a listening service.

Umbrella Cymru – Gender and sexual diversity charity providing a range of support, signposting, advocacy, information and other services to people in Wales.

Traveller Pride – Support for LGBTQ+ Travellers. Offers a confidential listening service.

Switchboard – Listening services, information and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Mind Out – Mental health and suicide prevention service run by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ+) people.

Deaf Rainbow –  Supporting the Deaf LGBTQIA+ community including resources for D/deaf trans people, including information on your rights to an interpreter at medical appointments.