Adult Safeguarding Policy

Adult Safeguarding Policy

Reviewed on 8 February 2024
Next Review 8 February 2025

Adult Safeguarding Policy for Rainbow Pooch Pride


Rainbow Pooch Pride believes in protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse, and neglect. This policy is to make sure that Rainbow Pooch Pride has all the right things in place to protect and safeguard adults who engage with the organisation.

Safeguarding practices differ between Wales and the rest of the UK. As such, information specifically related to safeguarding adults in Wales is highlighted in this document in green whilst information specifically related to safeguarding adults in the rest of the UK is highlighted in blue. Country specific definitions of an Adult at Risk and related Key Safeguarding Principles can be found on pages two and three of this policy. In all instances, ‘at risk’ means that even if abuse, neglect, or other kinds of harm have not actually occurred, they are likely to occur without support from services. Rainbow Pooch Pride need only to have a “reasonable cause to suspect that abuse, neglect or harm, has occurred, or is likely to occur” to consider making a safeguarding report to the local authority social services. Please follow the guidelines appropriate to the area where the safeguarding concern takes places.

Rainbow Pooch Pride currently does not work with anyone under 18 years of age. However, the adults with whom we do come into contact are likely to have children in their lives about whom they could express concerns or fears about their safety or safeguarding. Rainbow Pooch Pride will take all such concerns seriously and support anyone to obtain support and guidance and will work with them to make a safeguarding report where this is appropriate.

This policy and related procedures are applicable to the management committee, freelancers/contractors, volunteers, and members of Rainbow Pooch Pride. Individuals should be made aware of how this policy can be accessed and have an understanding that failure to comply with the policy (and related procedures) will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organisation.

Safeguarding Adults – Wales

Adult at risk refers to someone who: 

Describes anyone over 18 years of age who is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect and has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs), and as a result of those needs is unable to protect himself or herself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.

Key Principles of Adult Safeguarding:   

In the safeguarding of adults, Rainbow Pooch Pride is guided by principles set out in Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014 for our provision in Wales. Rainbow Pooch Pride aims to demonstrate and promote the following principles in our work:

  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

Everyone to play their part and contribute to the wellbeing of the adult at risk.

  • Relevant information sharing

Information sharing, in the right way, is vital to safeguarding. There is nothing in any of our legislation that is intended to prevent information-sharing for safeguarding purposes. Any information shared must be deemed necessary, proportionate, relevant, accurate, timely and secure. Where possible, information will be shared with consent unless there is a lawful basis whereby it may be shared without consent, such as where safety may be at risk.

  • Intra and multidisciplinary working

To better understand the individual, their circumstances, and their needs for care, support and safety.

  • Person Centred approach

Developing co-productive working relationships with the adult at risk, their family and carers to establish what matters to them and to ensure they feel respected and informed

For more information visit: Safeguarding Wales

For easy references to policies and guidance, Rainbow Pooch Pride recommends downloading the Wales Safeguarding Procedures  app to their favourite device. The app can be downloaded at: Apple App Store and Google Play

Safeguarding Adults – England

Adult at risk refers to someone who:

Is aged 18 years or over; who may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.

Key Principles of Adult Safeguarding:  

In the safeguarding of adults, Rainbow Pooch Pride is guided by principles set out in The Care Act 2014 and Making Safeguarding Personal, for our provision in England. Rainbow Pooch Pride aims to demonstrate and promote the following principles in our work:

  • Empowerment

People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent.

  • Prevention

It is better to take action before harm occurs.

  • Proportionality 

The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented.

  • Protection

Support and representation for those in greatest need.

  • Partnership

Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse.

  • Accountability

Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding. Each practitioner an organisation to play their part and contribute to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of the adult at risk.

Safeguarding is everyone’s’ responsibility. 

For more information visit: Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board

For easy references to policies and guidance, Rainbow Pooch Pride recommends downloading the NHS Safeguarding Guide app to their favourite device. The app can be downloaded at: Apple App Store and Google Play

Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP)

Rainbow Pooch Pride believes safeguarding all adults is paramount and strives to keep all adults safe by appointing a nominated Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP). This ensures that all who are associated with Rainbow Pooch Pride have direct access to specialist advice and are able to discuss concerns about anyone at risk. Everyone within the organisation should understand what to do, and where to go to get help, support and advice.

The Designated Safeguarding Person for Rainbow Pooch Pride is:

Georgina Biggs (Chair and Project Manager)

Safeguarding concerns should be directed by either:

Telephone: 07812 398361


The DSP will know whether to raise a safeguarding concern with the local authority and will manage any immediate actions to ensure the individual at risk is safe from abuse. They are accountable for:

  • Ensuring compliance with Rainbow Pooch Pride’s safeguarding policies and procedures in order to safeguard adults at risk.
  • Reporting to the management committee on relevant safeguarding matters.
  • Promoting a culture and environment whereby all those who work with Rainbow Pooch Pride and engage in Rainbow Pooch Pride’s activities are able to raise concerns and understand their safeguarding responsibilities.
  • Ensuring that appropriate policies, training and support are in place so that people are suitable to act in their roles.
  • Ensuring that all those who work with Rainbow Pooch Pride know to recognise and record concerns, plus that there is a clear system of referring or reporting safeguarding concerns and disclosures.
  • Ensuring that there is ongoing monitoring and review of safeguarding implementation at Rainbow Pooch Pride and building a culture of learning and improvement in safeguarding practice.
  • Communicating any changes in policy and procedures to staff.

Recognising the signs of abuse:

Recognising harm, or risk of harm, can be complicated. It is not Rainbow Pooch Pride’s responsibility to decide whether harm has occurred, but it is our responsibility to look out for signs of abuse and harm and act if there are any concerns. A safeguarding concern may arise in several ways:

  • You may witness abuse or harm taking place.
  • An adult at risk or other person may tell you that they have suffered abuse or harm, or are fearful of suffering abuse or harm.
  • You may notice behaviour which gives rise to a suspicion that an adult (or child) at risk has been harmed or is at risk of harm.

Abuse is any language or behaviour that causes mental, emotional or physical harm to the person against which it is perpetrated.

Disclosure of suicidal behaviour:

Where an adult clearly expresses suicidal thoughts and intentions and/or discloses recent suicide behaviours, they will be considered an adult at risk and a safeguarding concern will be submitted to the DSP for consideration of disclosure to the relevant authority. Where possible, disclosure and referral to relevant authorities will be done with the consent of the adult at risk. However, where a person appears to present a serious and immediate risk to themselves, or others, emergency services will be activated via a 999 telephone call without the consent of the adult at risk. Consent is also not needed in order to signpost the individual to a range of mental health support options.

Reporting Concerns:

Early sharing of information is the key to providing an effective response where there are emerging concerns. Rainbow Pooch Pride expects that any person involved with the organisation who becomes aware that an adult could be at risk must bring it the attention of the organisation immediately. Members and visitors must bring any concerns to the attention of the DSP no later than 24 hours after noting the concern. Individuals on the management committee, freelancers/contractors, or volunteers must:

  1. Record without delay what the adult has said (using their exact words), and the circumstances in which they made the allegation or communicated the information that resulted in the concern being raised.
  2. Contact the organisation’s Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) immediately (and no later than 24 hours after recording the concern).
  3. Record the date, time, place, and people who were present using the Adult at Risk Report Sheet, upload it to the secure database, and inform the DSP immediately to say that you have done so.
  4. Following this the DSP will determine the actions required and, if appropriate, report the concern to social services/police with the consent of the adult at risk. Where the individual does not consent Rainbow Pooch Pride must agree with the individual what they can reasonably do to keep them safe. If all efforts fail to keep them safe, a report will be made stating no consent and the individual will be informed of Rainbow Pooch Pride’s actions. Where the individual does not have capacity to consent in accordance with the Mental Health Capacity Act 2005, a report will be made without consent on the grounds of ‘best interests’. There is more information on the Mental Health Capacity Act 2005 on pages 10 and 11 of this policy.

When reporting, individuals must be sure to separate fact from opinion and should never report directly to social services without going through the DSP.

Recording and Record Keeping:

A written record must be kept about any concern regarding an adult with safeguarding needs. This must include details of the person involved, the nature of the concern and the actions taken, decisions made and why they were made. All records must be signed, dated, and be securely and confidentially stored in line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Confidentiality and Information Sharing:

Rainbow Pooch Pride expects the management committee, freelancers/contractors, volunteers, and members to maintain confidentiality. This relates to confidentiality of information which anyone may learn about other people through their involvement in Rainbow Pooch Pride, such information should not be shared or used in a way that is not in keeping with the purposes and activities of Rainbow Pooch Pride. Information that is gathered should only be relevant (accurate and factual), and where information/data is personal or sensitive this should be shared only on a need-to-know basis with only those individuals or the DSP, and no further. Information must be recorded accurately, stored securely, and not discussed outside of required meetings/formal procedures. Reports about safeguarding activity to the Management Committee must be statistical and anonymous.

Rainbow Pooch Pride aims to ensure that safeguarding reports are made with the adult at risk’s consent, respecting an individual’s right to not share their personal data with another agency or authority. Information will only be shared in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection. However, exceptions apply when there is reason to believe that the individual or other people are being put at risk of harm by the same situation or perpetrator, or when it is believed that the adult is suffering undue influence from someone who uses threats, coercion, etc. to prevent them giving their consent. Where a crime has been committed or the individual is at immediate risk of serious harm (which can include a suicide attempt) a 999 call to the Police or for an ambulance can be made without consent.

All people associated with Rainbow Pooch Pride are made aware of Rainbow Pooch Pride’s limits to confidentiality for the purpose of safeguarding and should not make promises about holding information confidentially. Where possible, Rainbow Pooch Pride will always aim to seek consent from the individual and work in collaboration with the individual. However, in some circumstances, it may be considered that reporting would put the client at further risk of harm, and therefore the DSP may work further with the individual on ways to provide support that is appropriate to the circumstances. Where a decision is made not to seek consent from the client, relevant circumstances for this decision must be recorded and could include:

  • the possibility that the adult would be put at further risk
  • the possibility that an adult would be threatened or otherwise coerced into silence
  • the possibility that important evidence would be destroyed/lost
  • if a carer or family member is identified as the alleged abuser
  • where there is a duty to report
  • the individual lacks capacity to consent
  • if, by not sharing the information, that adult is likely to be at risk of serious harm
  • other people may be at risk
  • the suspicion that a crime has been committed
  • when there are concerns about a failure in care and a breach of regulation or professional conduct organisational or institutional abuse, or allegations against a practitioner
  • where it appears that the individual is under the undue influence of another individual

Is there a Person in a Position of Trust Involved?

In any instance of safeguarding, consideration must be given as to whether an allegation has been made against a Person in a Position of Trust (PiPoT) and who may be a risk to others. This can be anyone from a formal employee or volunteer, or member that holds a position of trust outside of the organisation. General complaints about a Person in a Position of Trust should follow Rainbow Pooch Pride’s complaints procedure. Safeguarding complaints should be addressed to the DSP.


Rainbow Pooch Pride is committed to ensuring that employees and volunteers who, in good faith, whistle-blow in the public interest, will be protected from reprisals and victimisation. Link for further guidance: Protect

Safe Recruitment & Selection:

Rainbow Pooch Pride is committed to safe employment and safe recruitment practices that reduce the risk of harm to adults with care and support needs from people unsuitable to work with them. All freelancers, contractors, and volunteers are treated on an equal footing, subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Basic check to ensure their suitability for working or volunteering with vulnerable adults due to age, illness or disability, and undergo safeguarding training during induction that is renewed annually.

Training and Awareness:

Rainbow Pooch Pride will ensure an appropriate level of safeguarding training is available to its management committee, freelancers/contractors, volunteers, and any relevant persons and/or members linked to the organisation who requires it.

For all individuals who are working or volunteering with adults this requires them as a minimum to have awareness training that enables them to:

  • Understand what safeguarding is and their role in safeguarding adults.
  • Recognise an adult potentially in need of safeguarding and take action.
  • Understand how to report a safeguarding alert.
  • Understand dignity and respect when working with individuals.
  • Have knowledge of the Safeguarding Adults Policy.

A brief summary of types of abuse:

Please be aware that some people may find this distressing to read. Please seek support from the Designated Safeguarding Person if this affects you.

Types of abuse include:

  • Physical abuse: including hitting, slapping, punching, burning, misuse of medication, inappropriate restraint.
  • Domestic abuse: including psychological, physical, sexual, financial, or emotional abuse. It also covers so-called ‘honour’-based violence.
  • Sexual abuse: including rape, indecent assault, inappropriate touching, exposure to pornographic material, abuse of a position of trust.
  • Psychological or emotional abuse: including belittling, name-calling, threats of harm, intimidation, coercive control, isolation, and ‘conversion’ therapy.
  • Bullying, harassment, cyber bullying or discriminatory abuse: including racist, sexist, biphobic, homophobic, transphobic abuse; abuse based on a person’s disability and/or other protected characteristics, and other forms of harassment; slurs or similar treatment.
  • Criminal exploitation: including by criminal gangs and organised crime groups such as county lines, trafficking, online abuse, sexual exploitation and the influences of extremism leading to radicalisation.
  • Financial or material abuse: including stealing, selling assets, fraud, misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.
  • Modern slavery: covering slavery (including domestic slavery), human trafficking and forced labour. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever they can to pressurise, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse and inhumane treatment.
  • Neglect and acts of omission: including withholding the necessities of life such as medication, food or warmth; ignoring medical or physical care needs.
  • Self-neglect: covering a wide range of behaviour which shows that someone isn’t caring for their own personal hygiene, health or surroundings. It includes behaviour such as hoarding.
  • Institutional or organisational abuse: including regimented routines and cultures, unsafe practices, lack of person-centred care or treatment.
  • Female genital mutilation, forced marriage, and other ‘honour-based’ violence.

This list is not exhaustive.

Mental Capacity Act 2005:

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 defines someone as lacking capacity if, because of an illness or disability such as a mental health problem, dementia or a learning disability, they cannot do one or more of the following four things:

  • Understand information given to them about a particular decision
  • Retain that information long enough to be able to make the decision
  • Weigh up the information available to make the decision
  • Communicate their decision

For more information refer to:

Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice

Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Mind)

Types of Mental Health Services (Mind)

Rainbow Pooch Pride will need to involve an advocate if the person lacks capacity to make decisions about a safeguarding concern or suffers other incapacities e.g. in communication or understanding, which prevent them from being fully participative in their own safeguarding.

Should anyone have concerns regarding an adult’s capacity, support and guidance will be sought from:

Safeguarding Wales

Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board

Social Media:

All employees, volunteers and members should be aware of Rainbow Pooch Pride’s Values and the Code of Conduct for behaviour towards the adults we support.

Legislation and guidance that applies to this policy:

The Care Act 2014 and The Care Act 2014 Statutory Guidance

Making Safeguarding Personal Guide 2014

Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014

Sexual Offences Act 2003

Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

Disclosure and Barring Service 2013

Human Right Act 1998

Related Policies and Procedures

Health and Safety Policy

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy

Volunteering Policy

Data Protection Policy

Code of Conduct

Confidentiality Statement

Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure

Important Contacts:

Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding
Name: Georgina Biggs
Email addresses:

For safeguarding reports –

For general enquiries –

These email addresses can be used at any time but will only be monitored during regular working days and hours.

External Support for Safeguarding Persons:
  • Police:
    Emergency – 999
    Non-emergency – 101
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247
  • Mind…for Better Mental Health
  • Samaritans – 24 hr suicide helpline

Helpline 24-hour helpline for advice on child protection matters for professionals and adults – 0808 800 5000

For matters relating to child protection, advice can be sought from NSPCC if the Rainbow Pooch Pride whistleblowing procedure has not resolved the concern: Whistleblowing advice line (external) – 0800 028 0285

  • The UK Safer Internet Centre – Provides advice for professionals and responds to reports about sexual abuse images of children online – 0844 381 4772
  • Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) Investigates inappropriate online behaviour, such as grooming online or sexual exploitation – 0870 000 3344
  • Internet Watch Foundation removes images of child sexual abuse content and criminally obscene content online – 01223 203030

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) – Advice line for criminal records checks – 03000 200 190